Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books Featuring Travel in Some Way

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Today's 'Top Ten' is Top Ten Books Featuring Traveling in Some Way. So, let's get started!

  1. Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen- This is one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books. Colie is shipped to Colby Beach while her mother tours around Europe. Such a good story!
  2. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson- Taylor travels to her old lake house to spend one last summer with her father, who is dying from cancer. This story is so sad and not your typical summer novel!
  3. Cloaked by Alex Flinn- If you love fairytale retellings, you'll loved Cloaked. It isn't your typical Cinderella retelling either; it is a mixture of a few different and more obscure fairytales. It follows a poor teenage boy as he goes on a wild adventure around the Florida Keys in search of a prince-turned-frog. Although it isn't my favorite Alex Flinn novel, it's still a great story.
  4. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler- This is one of my favorite books EVER. Anna travels to Zanizabar Bay with her friend Frankie, where they plan to meet twenty boys in twenty days. Like Second Chance Summer, this isn't your typical summer novel. I was basically in tears throughout the whole thing!
  5. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen- Another one of my favorite Dessen novels. Auden travels to Colby Beach to spend a summer with her father and his new family. It has romance, depth, and great characters. Love it!
  6. Just One Wish by Janette Rallison- Just One Wish is my favorite Janette Rallison novel. In the novel, Annika travels to Los Angeles to find a famous movie star that plays Robin Hood and bring him back to her brother, who has cancer, before he he gets surgery. On one page I was laughing and on the next I was nearly in tears. It's so sad, and definitely Rallison's best novel!
  7. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares- This is seriously the ultimate travel book. Carmen goes to NC, Bridget goes to Baja California, Lena goes to Greece, and well, Tibby stays at home. I seriously love this book. It makes me sad, happy, and everything in between. I absolutely love their friendship!
  8. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks- Trust me, the book is WAY better than the movie. Ronnie goes to Wrightsville Beach to spend the summer with her father. This book. THIS BOOK. I have read it nearly ten times and every time it just GETS ME.
  9. Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler- Ockler is one of my favorite authors and I love Fixing Delilah! Delilah travels to her deceased grandmother's house in Vermont for the entire summer to prepare for her grandmother's funeral and sell her grandmother's house. As always, Ockler delivers an awesome story that makes me want to just jump and scream and fangirl all day long. Click here to read my review on Fixing Delilah.
  10. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins- Everyone has heard of and read this book. Anna is shipped off to a boarding school in Paris and there she meets the wonderful Étienne St. Clair. It's such a cute story!
Disclaimer: Top Ten Tuesday is created by The Broke and the Bookish. I am not being compensated for this article. All thoughts and opinions are my own!


  1. Keeping the Moon is one of the only Sarah Dessan books I havent read! But that must change soon! And who can forget Anna and the French Kiss? Great list!


  2. Great picks! I want to read Second Chance Summer so badly, but I tend to avoid cancer books...I am torn. Twenty Boy Summer is pretty awesome. Here are my picks http://wp.me/pzUn5-1uF

    1. You should definitely check out Second Chance Summer... It's really sad, but sooo good.

  3. I've seen a lot of people add Anna and the French Kiss this week. I didn't think about that one when I did my list.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  4. Great list, I love the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series as well.

    1. I haven't read the rest of the series, but I'm planning on doing so this summer! I love the first book :)
